To request a forgot password link:
1. Visit the TRONIX login page
2. Click the Forgot Password link.
3. Enter your username in the Username field and click Email Link. Your username will be your email address.
4. TRONIX will display a message to check your email for a reset password link.
5. If an account was found with your username, you will receive a TRONIX Password Reset Request email. Open the reset password email and click the Click to Reset your TRONIX Password button.
6. You will be directed to the TRONIX Reset Password page.
7. Enter your username in the User Name field. This will be your email address.
8. Enter your new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields. Passwords are case sensitive.
9. Click the Reset Password button.
10. You can now login with your new password.
Note: If you do not receive an email link in your inbox, we recommend to also check your spam folder. If you are still experiencing issues resetting your password, email for assistance.