
This tutorial is written for CareGARDWarranty.com (CGW) administrators. Using the CGW Admin menu, administrators can add users to CGW, find existing users, and make changes to user profiles.

Using this tutorial, you will learn how to manage users. 

Manage Users

As the CGW administrator, you can add a new user to the system. You can also locate existing users and make changes to their profile.

1. Select Admin > User Management from the left navigation menu.


User Management

2. In the User Management dialog, you can add a new user or locate an existing user and make changes to the user’s profile.

User Management Dialog

Adding a New User

1. In the Add User panel of the User Management dialog, you can add a new user to CGW by clicking the Add User button. This opens the Add/Edit User panel.

Add/Edit User Dialog

User Type
Select the user level type to assign to the user from the drop-down menu.
Click this button to submit your selection.
Click this button to cancel this process and exit this dialog.


2. If you selected Submit, a second Add/Edit User dialog appears. Depending on the user type selected, different fields appear. For the purposes of this example, we will add a Sales 1 (Director) user type, which includes all possible user fields:


Add/Edit User Dialog Two

User Type
Select the user level type to assign to this user from the drop-down menu.
User Name
Enter a CGW username for this user. This will be used to identify the user in CGW.
First Name
Enter the user’s first name.
Last Name
Enter the user’s last name.
CGW Producer ID
Enter the user’s CGW producer ID.
DMS Producer Number
Enter the user’s Dealer Management System (DMS) producer number. DMS examples include Reynolds & Reynolds and Dealertrack Technologies. This will allow users to pull in your DMS information for this deal, rather than entering the information manually in CGW.
Daytime Phone
Enter the user’s daytime phone number.
Cell Phone
Enter the user’s cell phone number.
Enter the user’s fax number.
Email Address
Enter the user’s email address.
Dealer Group
Select the dealer group for which the user works.
Primary Dealership
Assign the user to a primary dealership under the dealer group.
Apply Changes To
Select one or more dealer profiles to assign to this user.


Next, you use the Yes/No options to assign privileges to the user. Make your selections carefully.
  • Can this user override Dealer and Customer cost during the sales process?
  • Can this user finalize deals during the sales process?
  • Can this user control menu template defaults and modify product info?
  • Can this user modify Deal Info for anybody’s deal at the store?
  • Can this user print without a DMS push?
  • Can this user conduct Analysis Reporting?
  • Can this user change Lender Finance Reserve Calculations and Percentages?
  • Can this user issue contracts?
Click this button to submit your changes.
Click this button to cancel this process and exit this dialog.

Finding a User

1. In the Find User panel of the User Management dialog, you can find existing CGW users.


Find User Panel

Select the dealer to which the user is assigned.
User Type
Select the user type assigned to the user.
Last Name
If you are searching for a specific user, enter their last name. Otherwise, leave this field empty to search for more than one user.
First Name
If you are searching for a specific user, enter their first name. Otherwise, leave this field empty to search for more than one user.
If you are searching for a specific user, enter their CGW username. Otherwise, leave this field empty to search for more than one user.
Select this check box to search only for active users.
Click this button to execute the search.


2. CGW displays your search results and provides you with several options:

xa9SCIsHpFAPi7FoLxw-Z69jepr9Ec3y8w.pngUser Search Results

To edit a user’s profile, click their user name in the Username column. This opens the Add/Edit User panel where you can make changes to the user’s profile.
Activate User
Click this button to activate the user’s account in CGW. Until they are activated, they cannot perform CGW actions.
Retire User
Click this button to retire the user’s account in CGW. You would want to use this feature if a user leaves the dealership. This feature deactivates the user account in CGW.
Reset Password
Click this button to reset a user’s CGW   password.